Monday, February 18, 2013

I love the internet.

Confession: I HATE to do dishes. I loathe the dishes. I would rather scrub a million dirty toilets than do the dishes. And, I swear they never stop. Even if I don't cook anything all day, I have to start the dishwasher at least once. How I lived, like, 2 years without a dishwasher is beyond me. I raise my dish-washed glass to the Amish. You go!

 So, anyway. I will always occasionally let my pans soak in the sink for a night or two.... (or five).
 And then, this happens.

Yeah, you can judge me. I'm filthy. I'm a filthy, filthy girl. I need a spanking. 

I used to just live with these stupid rust rings in my sink, waiting until they would disappear. Until one day I Googled (really spell check, "googled" isn't a word? Get with the times!) "How to get rust stains out of a white sink" and the Google God's introduced me to:

Talk about a poisonous, fume filled, little miracle in a bottle. I love it! Now, as you can see, just a couple little squirts on the rust spots and.... wait for it...

The stains are pretty much gone! No scrubbing. Like I said, a poisonous miracle, right?! 

Then, I just do a little touch up with my bald BF, Mr. Clean and his Magic Eraser (this post has me wondering if I'm slowly killing us with all the chemicals I put in my kitchen sink) and the sink now shines like the top of the Chrysler building! Name that show. I will give you $1.

I hope my little tip helps all you d!rty girls out there!

And because no blog of mine is complete w/o a little Diva action, here you go!


Amber Lynn Photography said...

i do love the google gods as well deev is so cute shes such a happy child :)

Sandra said...

Hmmmm, I think I will have to purchase me some of that. I too am a fan of a little poison in a bottle.
And you are correct, every blog needs a little Eva action, never fails, she can make me smile!!!

by Jana McMurdie said...

So I was telling my mama that we went to dinner the other night and she was asking about Eva the Diva, so I showed her some pics....and she loved the pics of Eva and said they look JUST like Derilick when he was a wee-tike. And I thought to myself, "Hmmm, well at least I am not the only one who hears that." I swear, we push the kid out and cause some major damage down there and there is not a touch of us in the little rug-rats. Oh well, at least we have dang cute kids:)

Kim said...

Ok Annie - I am worried about putting poison in a bottle in your kitchen sink. Why not see if Mr. Clean can take care of it on his own. Or place the pan on a dish rag.
Diva is a doll. xoxo

I can't make out the dang
"prove your not a robot"!

Life as Linds said...

Hi Ashley,

I just wanted to thank you for your comment on my post. It was really helpful and I appreciate you.

We are such home bodies as well and we are still in the shock and awe stage I think.

Where are you guys going to be moving to? That is exciting! You have such a chipper and friendly personality, I know you are going to be just fine! You will have to let me know how things go.

Again, thank you so much for being you and for your kindness!

Shels said...

I too love google. How did we function without it?
And miss Eva is a doll. I think her and Josie need to hang out.

Angela said...

Annie. You so owe me. 'The Bar Keepers Friend' works on that stuff too. Its kinda like Comet, around $2 at Wal-Mart. No fumes.